Fourth international PeBA conference devoted to “The Things of Life”

25 – 28 September 2024, the Archaeological Museum in Varna will host the fourth international PeBA conference devoted to “The Things of Life”.

The “Perspectives on Balkan Archaeology” (PeBA) initiative is a network of junior and senior scholars with a research focus on the Bronze and Iron Ages in Southeastern Europe. Its main goal is to create an international platform for young scholars to renew, facilitate, and sustain cross-border exchange of archaeological research between Central and Southeastern Europe. The primary research within the initiative is thematically focused on the Late Bronze and Early Iron Ages (13th–5th centuries BCE) in Southeastern Europe.

The international conference in Varna will bring together scholars from all Balkan countries, as well as Austria, Belgium, the United Kingdom, Germany, Italy, and Poland. The sessions will be held in the “Odessos” Hall on the second floor of the Archaeological Museum.

PeBA website:

Event program:

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