Educational Museum
The Varna Educational Museum was opened in 1986. It is located in the building of the Archaeological Museum. Its founders are the Varna archaeologists and museum curators Dimitar Dimitrov and Ivan Ivanov. Their goal was to make an accessible and attractive for children and young people specialized museum exposition that would enrich their knowledge about the past of our people and would provoke greater interest in history and archeology. The exposition uses the achievements of experimental archeology and the established restoration practices. They called the museum “Educational”, i.e. a museum with an understandable and accessible exposition, a place for experiments and testing different archaeological theory.
The educational exposition is thematically related to the exposition of the Archaeological Museum and presents some of the crucial moments in the historical development of the population that inhabited the Varna region for many centuries. The objects that are exhibited in the Educational Museum are new, specially made for the purpose, after a long and thorough scientific research work, during which, based on the archaeological studies, supplemented by the data of the written sources, their exact form and purpose was established. They were made according to the appropriate technology for the time and with similar materials – metal, bone, wood, leather, fabrics, etc. This is why, the objects and devices created are as close as possible to the originals and not only retain their appearance, but also have the ability to perform the same functions.
The Educational Museum occupies two halls in the basement of the Archaeological Museum and has an area of about 60 square meters. The exposition in the first hall is divided into three main themes, which present the life of people during the prehistoric era and the lifestyle and culture of Slavs and Bulgarians. In order for the little visitors to be transported to that distant and very different eras, the creators of the Educational Museum have tried to show them the most important elements of the daily life and production activities of the ancient inhabitants of the Bulgarian lands .
Three types of dwellings are shown – a prehistoric dwelling, characteristic of the Neolithic and Stone-Copper Ages; the typical Slavic dwelling – a quadrangular half-dug-out house and a portable Bulgarian yurt. An important place is occupied by various cutting tools made of flint stone and bone (all operational).
The second hall and the courtyard in front of the Educational Museum are an exhibition space and a place for various museum classes.
In 2012-2013, thanks to the successful cooperation and with the financial support of the American Science Center – Sofia and the “America for Bulgaria” Foundation, a large-scale Bulgarian-American project “Museum for Young and Old” was implemented, which renovated and modernized the exhibition and courtyard space of the Educational Museum.
Ever since its opening in 1986, the Varna Educational Museum has attracted great interest. Every year, a large number of children, parents, students and teachers, residents of Varna and guests of the city pass through its halls. Today it is a modern complex with a modern interactive exhibition for children and teenagers and a cozy hall for activities.
Work time
- Вторник - събота от 10.00 - 17.00
- 41 Maria Luiza Blvd., Archaeological Museum, Varna 9000